English Quotes

Urdu Quotes

 1. "Save your feelings for someone who cares."

 "In life, it's essential to save your feelings for someone who truly cares. Your emotions are precious, and they deserve to be valued."

2. "Silence is the best answer for those who don't value your words."

 "Sometimes, silence can be the most powerful response when dealing with people who don't appreciate your words. Let your quiet confidence speak volumes."

3. "Trust is a dangerous game."

 "Trust, as alluring as it may be, can also be a dangerous game. It's a delicate balance between vulnerability and wisdom."

4. "The biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand; we listen to reply."

 "One of the most significant challenges in communication is our tendency to listen not to understand, but to formulate our response. True connection comes from active, empathetic listening."

5. "The sun is alone but still shining."

 "Like the sun, which may be alone in the sky, but still shines brilliantly, remember that your light can shine even in solitude."

6. "Wait for the one, but do not wait for someone to be the one." 

"While waiting for the right person to come into your life is worthwhile, don't wait around for someone to transform into 'the one.' Be discerning in your choices."

7. "Enjoy every little thing in your world."

 "Life is a collection of little moments. Take the time to appreciate and savor the beauty in the small things that often go unnoticed."

8. "The strongest hearts have the most scars."

 "Strong hearts aren't free from scars; they bear the marks of battles won and lessons learned. Embrace your scars; they're a testament to your strength."

9. "Never expect anything from anyone."

 "Expectations can lead to disappointment. It's wise not to rely on anyone else for your happiness or fulfillment."

10. "I lost you, but I found me. So I win."

 "Sometimes, losing someone can lead to finding yourself. In the end, personal growth and self-discovery can be the ultimate victory."

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